Return to School Dates August 2023

Below are the return to school dates for each year group for the 2023-24 school year.
Return to School Dates August 2023

The following are the return to school dates for each year group for August 2023:

24th August 8.40am - 10.50am First Year Induction

25th August 8.40am - 1.05pm First Year Induction

28th August 8.40am - 10.50am 6th Year Induction

2.00pm - 4.00pm 5th Year Induction

29th August 8.40am - 10.50am 3rd Year Induction

2.00pm - 4.00pm 2nd Year Induction

30th August 11.05am - 1.05pm Transition Year Induction

Students should arrive to school in full uniform including appropriate black leather school shoes. Parents are asked to check the Shoe Policy on the school website if they are in doubt as to what is an appropriate school shoe. Students should bring a pen and a copy for their induction day. Locker money (€20) and journal money (€20) will not be collected on the induction day.

Each year group (apart from First Years) should gather in the senior yard ahead of their induction.

We look forward to seeing everyone in the new school year!

Dec 20
School closes for Christmas Holidays
Dec 23
Christmas Holidays
Dec 30
Christmas Holidays
Jan 06
School reopens
Nephin Road, Cabra, Dublin, Ireland.
01 838 0357
RCN NO: 20145477
Edmund Rice
© 2024 St Declan's College