TY Language Week Cafe

TY Language Week Cafe

Our TYs organised a café for 1st and 2nd year students of French, German and Spanish for Language week.

They created menus in the target language featuring typical snacks and drinks and encouraged the junior students to order in the target language. The transition years' enthusiasm made the day a very enjoyable experience for all those involved.

TY Language Week CafeTY Language Week CafeTY Language Week CafeTY Language Week CafeTY Language Week CafeTY Language Week CafeTY Language Week CafeTY Language Week CafeTY Language Week CafeTY Language Week CafeTY Language Week Cafe
Sep 19
Open Evening
Sep 27
Bernard McCormack Bursary Awards
Sep 30
School Closed
Oct 17
6th Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Nephin Road, Cabra, Dublin, Ireland.
01 838 0357
RCN NO: 20145477
Edmund Rice
© 2024 St Declan's College