School Staff

Administrative & Finance

The hub of any school is the school office. From here day to day events are co-ordinated and the many concerns and queries that students, parents and staff have are addressed. It is a hive of activity and a source of constant amazement to all how everything is made to run so smoothly. We are very fortunate to have at its helm two wonderful secretaries, Stacey O’Toole and Linda Malone

Separate, but working in tandem with the administration of the school, is our financial section. The accounts department is run by Michelle Rafferty whose expertise and professionalism ensures an efficient handling of all dealings in relation to payments and receipts in respect of the school.


Our caretaking team is made up of Paddy Canning and John Scanlon. Paddy has overall responsibility for the campus ensuring that the grounds are kept in pristine condition as well as the day to day maintenance and care of the school buildings. He is ably assisted by John Scanlon & Zdziskaw Plichta who maintain the clean school environment in which we all work and study.

Dec 20
School closes for Christmas Holidays
Dec 23
Christmas Holidays
Dec 30
Christmas Holidays
Jan 06
School reopens
Nephin Road, Cabra, Dublin, Ireland.
01 838 0357
RCN NO: 20145477
Edmund Rice
© 2024 St Declan's College