Halloween at St Declan's College
Halloween was marked in St Declan's College by a non-uniform fancy dress day organised by the student leadership group. All students were today invited to come to school in fancy dress or non-uniform.
The proceeds raised from the event are going towards the upcoming 'At the Crossroads' family history project. Students donated over €900 towards this very worthwhile cause which you will learn about after the Halloween break.
Many thanks to everyone who got involved in the spirit of the day and took the time to wear in an outfit. A further Christmas themed day will be organised during next term.
Prizes were given to best costumes selected by some members of the student leadership group.
The prize-winners were
Paul Roche (1 Joyce), Tommy Nguyen (2 Joyce), Sushain Vepakomna (2 Carolan), Calvin OBrien (4 Carolan),
Lawrence Paz (5 Carolan), Richie O'Driscoll (6 Breandán).