After School Studies

After School Studies

St. Declans offers an excellent after school studies facility to the students of the school. The aim of supervised studies is to provide a suitable environment where students can do their homework and study.

Supervised study at school is suitable for all students and may be particularly suitable for students who find it difficult to settle down to a regular scheduled programme of study at home. Such students will benefit from remaining in the school which they associate with study.

We would ask that you take the time to discuss supervised study with your son, encourage him to avail of this option where you both know that study at home move prove difficult.

The academic year is short and a regular and consistent schedule of work should pay dividends at exam time.

Supervised study takes place Monday to Thursday of each week for 2 hours after school. There are no studies on Fridays.

Fee for the programme is : € 120 September to December

€ 130 January to May

(Snacks will also be provided to students before studies start)

Places are limited and will be offered on a first come first served basis. If you and your son wish to avail of this service please contact Mr. O’Laighin.

“Motivation is what gets you going. Habit is what keeps you going “

Mid Term Supervised School Study :

During the October and Easter Holidays St. Declans College offers students of 3rd Year and 6th Year the opportunity to avail of 3 hours supervised study per day. The fee for this programme is €50 and is separate to regular after school studies.

More information will be made available at the time.

How much time should I spend studying ?

Every student is different, but here is a rough guide to how many hours should be spent on homework and study combined. Remember it take experimentation to find out what suits you.

1st Yr 1 ½ hrs per day

2nd Yr 2 hrs per day

3rd Yr 2 ½ / 3 hrs per day

5th Yr 3 / 4 hrs per day

6th Yr 3 ½ / 5 hrs per day

This is just a rough guideline which should be adapted as your situation requires. Of course the hours should be increased close to exam time to help with extra revision of project work. Remember the saying “fail to prepare, prepare to fail”.

Awaiting content

After School StudiesAfter School Studies
Mar 11
1st Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Mar 17
Public Holiday - school closed
Apr 11
School closes for Easter Holidays
Apr 28
School reopens
Nephin Road, Cabra, Dublin, Ireland.
01 838 0357
RCN NO: 20145477
Edmund Rice
© 2025 St Declan's College